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The congregation is our primary group involved in music ministry. Authentic, participatory praise by each person is the goal for every worship service. For those interested, there are several musical groups in which volunteers can participate:
Our ADULT CHOIR is open to all interested in singing (18 or older). They sing during most morning worship services, adding to the rich variety of our blended worship style that features both contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns. The PRAISE BAND works with our music ministry staff to lead our congregation in worship. Other special ensembles & musical groups provide music on occasion throughout the year. Those interested in joining our PRAISE BAND (an audition-only group), should speak with our music ministry staff. Those interested in singing with the choir are invited to join them on Wednesday nights in the choir room; you can speak with David & Sheryl Rickerson, who work together to coordinate our music ministry. Sheryl works with the choir, while David leads worship on Sunday mornings.
In addition to sharing anthems and beautiful offertories on Sunday morning, the ADULT CHOIR presents a seasonal Christmas Concert in December, and often adds an Easter Music presentation in the Spring.

Wednesday Evening Rehearsals
7:00 pm Adult Choir
8:15 pm Praise Band
For more information about Northlake’s music ministry, please email David & Sheryl Rickerson.